The Leading Golf Clubs of Germany
More and more golf organizations recognize the value of independent inspection and verification as part of their continued commitment to providing the highest quality golf course and facilities for its members and guests.
The “Leading Golf Clubs of Germany” provides member clubs with an anonymous testing procedure several times per year. These mystery testers evaluate the “heart and soul” of the facility. Among the 18 areas that are covered include; the golf course and its condition (fairways, tees, greens, practice areas), the club house and facilities (administration, marketing, restaurant, pro shop and golf pros) and the club’s overall appearance.
Our North and South courses placed themselves at the top of 38 tested golf courses in Germany.
Our members and their guests can be proud that Golf and Country Club Seddiner See is among one of the top quality courses in Germany. As a member of The Leading Golf Clubs of Germany it confirms our commitment to maintaining and improving all aspects of our club at the highest possible standards.